Please contact me if you have questions and suggestions for the web site.
I hope you enjoy exploring this website and discovering the stories of my family. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to me.
This website is open to everyone who is interested in learning more about my family history. However, some sections are only available to registered users who request access and are accepted. If you want to join the website, please contact me and I will create an account for you.
This website is open to everyone who is interested in learning more about my family history. However, some sections are only available to registered users who request access and are accepted. If you want to join the website, please contact me and I will create an account for you.
A family tree that traces my ancestors and relatives from different branches and generations.
A collection of photos, scrapbooks, stories, videos, and audios that showcase the family’s memories and experiences
A way to connect with other family members and share files and feedback