Upload Memories (files)

If you have any files related to the Heagney or Burton family’s history, we would love for you to upload them and share them with us. Uploading files is a fantastic way to contribute to the family heritage and to discover more about your ancestors, relatives, and yourself. You can upload diverse types of files, such as photos, clippings, stories, videos, audios, or anything else that you think is relevant and interesting. To upload your files, please fill out the form below and select the files you want to upload. You can upload up to 10 files at a time, and each file should have a title and a description. The description should explain what the file is about, when and where it was created or obtained, and who is involved or featured in it. Please note that we do not accept .exe or .zip files for security reasons. After you upload your files, they will be reviewed and approved by the website administrator before they are published on the website. You will receive an email confirmation when your files are uploaded successfully. Thank you for sharing your files and your stories with us. Together, we can keep the family history alive and vibrant for generations to come.

For each file you upload please add a title and description.